
pre_tests error

Error running make fetch:
git submodule update --init
./rbm/rbm fetch
Skipping clang-source
Fetching commits for goansicolor
Fetching commits for geckoview
Fetching commits for uuid
Fetching commits for tbb-windows-installer
Fetching commits for ecdsa
Fetching commits for tor-onion-proxy-library
Fetching commits for six
Fetching commits for gomock
Fetching commits for cbindgen
Fetching commits for pion-sdp
Fetching commits for gobtcd2
Fetching commits for gobsaes
Fetching commits for pretty
Fetching commits for gotext
Fetching commits for goconfigurable
Fetching commits for kcp-go
Fetching commits for libtapi
Fetching commits for gobtcutil
Fetching commits for application-services
Fetching commits for zlib
Fetching commits for agouti
Fetching commits for multidict
Fetching commits for aiohttp_socks
Fetching commits for ncprop279
Fetching commits for smux
Fetching commits for libdmg-hfsplus
Fetching commits for goxlog
Fetching commits for goyaml
Fetching commits for gomadns
Skipping mmdebstrap-image
Fetching commits for gocompress
Fetching commits for snowflake
Skipping nasm
Fetching commits for pion-logging
Fetching commits for goptlib
Fetching commits for godegoutils
Fetching commits for go-spew
Skipping certifi
Fetching commits for firefox
Fetching commits for gobtclog
Fetching commits for go-difflib
Fetching commits for gotemplate
Fetching commits for tba-translation
Skipping openssl
Skipping container-image
Fetching commits for mmdebstrap
Fetching commits for gosystemd
Fetching commits for jsonrpclib
Fetching commits for fenix
Skipping nsis
Fetching commits for ninja
Fetching commits for uniuri
Fetching commits for pion-dtls
Fetching commits for pion-sctp
Fetching commits for aiohttp
Fetching commits for obfs4
Fetching commits for goisatty
Fetching commits for android-components
Fetching commits for tor
Fetching commits for cctools
Fetching commits for idna
Fetching commits for fonts
Fetching commits for tor-android-service
Fetching commits for gokingpin
Fetching commits for yarl
Fetching commits for lucetc
Fetching commits for libevent
Fetching commits for gomobile
Fetching commits for goservice
Fetching commits for text
Fetching commits for gopflag
Fetching commits for pion-mdns
Fetching commits for gocheck
Fetching commits for pion-udp
Skipping go
Skipping nss
Fetching commits for pion-turn
Skipping python
Fetching commits for pion-rtp
Skipping sqlcipher
Fetching commits for gosocks
Fetching commits for gotoml
Fetching commits for pion-webrtc
Fetching commits for https-everywhere
Fetching commits for ncdns
Fetching commits for electrum-nmc
Fetching commits for gosvcutils
Fetching commits for typing_extensions
Fetching commits for objx
Fetching commits for ed25519
Fetching commits for tor-launcher
Fetching commits for zstd
Fetching commits for pion-datachannel
Skipping macosx-toolchain
Fetching commits for idna_ssl
Fetching commits for attr
Fetching commits for aiorpcx
Fetching commits for pion-rtcp
Fetching commits for stemns
Skipping rust
Fetching commits for goutls
Fetching commits for goxnet
Fetching commits for goxcryptoed25519
Skipping android-toolchain
Fetching commits for goximage
Skipping release
Fetching commits for goxnetip
Fetching commits for goxtext
Fetching commits for goxxerrors
Fetching commits for uniffi-rs
Fetching commits for async_timeout
Skipping clang
Fetching commits for gobuildinfo
Skipping pyaes
Fetching commits for pion-stun
Fetching commits for goeasyconfig
Fetching commits for cmake
Fetching commits for pion-randutil
Skipping node
Fetching commits for goncrpcclient
Fetching commits for testify
Fetching commits for goxexp
Skipping firefox-langpacks
Fetching commits for gopretty
Fetching commits for goxsys
Fetching commits for gogroupcache
Fetching commits for godns
Fetching commits for fxc2
Fetching commits for godexlogconfig
Skipping tor-browser
Skipping binutils
Fetching commits for llvm-mingw
Fetching commits for goxsysunix
Fetching commits for gowebsocket
Fetching commits for mingw-w64-clang
Fetching commits for llvm-project

   ccea33e..54dfcf8  master     -> master
   ccea33e..54dfcf8  master     -> origin/master
 + 06ffd37a...d2c056e9 add-autofill-to-sync-manager -> add-autofill-to-sync-manager  (forced update)
 + 1f92e9a2...3724bafb dependabot/pip/tools/idna-3.1 -> dependabot/pip/tools/idna-3.1  (forced update)
   72b827c3..cf46d7bd  main       -> main
 * [new tag]           v75.0.1    -> v75.0.1
 + 06ffd37a...d2c056e9 add-autofill-to-sync-manager -> origin/add-autofill-to-sync-manager  (forced update)
 + 1f92e9a2...3724bafb dependabot/pip/tools/idna-3.1 -> origin/dependabot/pip/tools/idna-3.1  (forced update)
   72b827c3..cf46d7bd  main       -> origin/main
   d265ed8..ea74a0d  master     -> master
   d265ed8..ea74a0d  master     -> origin/master
   2738f1cc4a..a802db6603  bridgedb                 -> bridgedb
   65a486aeaa..b3ac4b7276  communitytpo-contentspot -> communitytpo-contentspot
   0d293e1bd1..a2eb2a055c  https_everywhere         -> https_everywhere
   a3d0479c38..f1aaf401b2  tails-misc               -> tails-misc
   4555df5a8d..85e1360341  tails-misc_release       -> tails-misc_release
   60031da119..959c0684e1  torbutton-torbuttondtd   -> torbutton-torbuttondtd
   1225e263c0..687bf05ff7  tpo-web                  -> tpo-web
   2738f1cc4a..a802db6603  bridgedb                 -> origin/bridgedb
   65a486aeaa..b3ac4b7276  communitytpo-contentspot -> origin/communitytpo-contentspot
   0d293e1bd1..a2eb2a055c  https_everywhere         -> origin/https_everywhere
   a3d0479c38..f1aaf401b2  tails-misc               -> origin/tails-misc
   4555df5a8d..85e1360341  tails-misc_release       -> origin/tails-misc_release
   60031da119..959c0684e1  torbutton-torbuttondtd   -> origin/torbutton-torbuttondtd
   1225e263c0..687bf05ff7  tpo-web                  -> origin/tpo-web
warning: redirecting to
warning: redirecting to
 * [new branch]          tor-browser-88.0.0b4-10.5-1 -> tor-browser-88.0.0b4-10.5-1
 * [new branch]          tor-browser-88.0.0b4-10.5-1 -> origin/tor-browser-88.0.0b4-10.5-1
 * [new branch]        dependabot/github_actions/3.8/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2 -> dependabot/github_actions/3.8/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2
 * [new branch]        dependabot/github_actions/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2 -> dependabot/github_actions/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2
 * [new branch]        dependabot/pip/3.8/towncrier-21.3.0 -> dependabot/pip/3.8/towncrier-21.3.0
 * [new branch]        dependabot/pip/requirements/urllib3-1.26.4 -> dependabot/pip/requirements/urllib3-1.26.4
 * [new branch]        dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0 -> dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0
 * [new branch]        dependabot/github_actions/3.8/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2 -> origin/dependabot/github_actions/3.8/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2
 * [new branch]        dependabot/github_actions/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2 -> origin/dependabot/github_actions/pre-commit/action-v2.0.2
 * [new branch]        dependabot/pip/3.8/towncrier-21.3.0 -> origin/dependabot/pip/3.8/towncrier-21.3.0
 * [new branch]        dependabot/pip/requirements/urllib3-1.26.4 -> origin/dependabot/pip/requirements/urllib3-1.26.4
 * [new branch]        dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0 -> origin/dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0
 * [new branch]          android-components-74.0.6-10.5-1 -> android-components-74.0.6-10.5-1
 * [new branch]          android-components-74.0.6-10.5-1 -> origin/android-components-74.0.6-10.5-1
 * [new branch]      dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0 -> dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0
 * [new branch]      dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0 -> origin/dependabot/pip/towncrier-21.3.0
   38d35c6..2f77a28  master     -> master
   38d35c6..2f77a28  master     -> origin/master
   8383fc82..f71aabb5  dev        -> dev
   8383fc82..f71aabb5  dev        -> origin/dev
   7a75e4d..6d1d5e9  main        -> main
 * [new branch]      ng-official -> ng-official
   7a75e4d..6d1d5e9  main        -> origin/main
 * [new branch]      ng-official -> origin/ng-official
   51f285b998..46393e8977  master     -> master
   26af5908ec..9780079ba6  release    -> release
   51f285b998..46393e8977  master     -> origin/master
   26af5908ec..9780079ba6  release    -> origin/release
 * [new tag]               v3.19.8    -> v3.19.8
   c1804804a..e37b315bc  master     -> master
   c1804804a..e37b315bc  master     -> origin/master
remote: fatal: packfile /data/repositories/2/nw/2d/85/ea/138117697/network.git/objects/pack/pack-d1968e4d21ae030cfc86ec80d9ad6e5b922c034a.pack cannot be accessed        
fatal: protocol error: bad pack header
Error: Error fetching git repository
make: *** [Makefile:208: fetch] Error 1